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This Alien IOT system is A-OK to fortify your business!

If you have ever been concerned about Aliens or ‘Big Brother’ watching us, or AI ultimately controlling us, you may breathe a sigh of relief to know that there is one Alien at least that has our best interest at heart. Alien Automation Technologies have developed, as a part of their software solutions, a brilliant IOT system that can greatly benefit your business and dispel any worries that you have about not being aware of issues arising before they have done untold (and unnecessary) damage.

Peace of mind emanates from constant monitoring! 

Under development right now the Alien IOT system will comprise a set of IOT control modules used for monitoring, control and intelligence gathering about every aspect of your business, which will operate 24 hours a day alerting you via email and SMS when things go wrong. Connection is via Wi-Fi, Ethernet, Bluetooth or GSM. Everything is monitored on a brilliantly designed Dashboard which shows nominal, warning and critical level values. These are automatically fed to individual locations and can be adjusted at any time.

Magnificent monitoring 

So, at this stage what can Alien’s IOT system effectively monitor?

 Some great features are:

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Vibration (also used for generators that are running)
  • Analogue measurements, such as weight
  • Open/ closed, On/ Off, Yes/ No detection
  • On/ Off switching
  • Incremental control, such as lighting
  • Gas and air quality measurement

Alien Automation  are also renowned for finding innovative solutions for future applications, however, and so they are currently testing the monitoring of Electricity consumption, Fire detection and Movement. Watch this space!

A dashing Dashboard 

One of the great features of the Dashboard is that it goes where you do and can be either stationary, on your desktop PC, or mobile on your android device. Mobile application such as on a vehicle, the main page displays two-state devices, such as doors or hatches open for extended periods, or fluctuations in temperatures and humidity. These measurements are colour-coded depending on their value.

IOT Reports 

Reporting is still being defined as it will depend on client requirements and input. Suffice it to say a typical example of how effective accurate reporting could be is in the case of when cold room doors have been opened or left opened. The report would clearly show time periods for the door, differences in Temperature and/or humidity in correlation with such time since the opening of the doors. Having a graphical display to show trends over long periods allows for easy detection of any deviations. An Auto Report Service, written according to client specifications, is also available where scheduled reports in most formats are sent to any number of recipients.

Additional benefits 

Additional benefits include the fact that Alien IOT has been designed to be able to accommodate almost any conceivable new sensors that become available in the future and it is being developed as an open system, meaning it will be available for third-party integration. Finally, most diagnostics and software upgrades for the Alien IOT modules can be obtained remotely, making big remote installations easier to maintain.

Contact the Experts 

Alien Automation Technologies  has for many years been tirelessly seeking superior solutions to systems software and we can proudly say we are ‘’out of this world’ when it comes to innovation, service and maintenance for our ever-growing base of loyal customers.

Talk to us about your specific requirements or issues and let’s see if we can find a similar customised solution for you!